The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin (Classic Reprint)

The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin (Classic Reprint)
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I SHALL not enter, into an uninterefting detail relative to the manner in which the original manu-fcript of thefe memoirs, which are written in the Englifli language, came into my pofieflion. They appeared to me to be fo interesting, that I did not hefi-tate a fingle moment to tranflate them into French. The name of Franklin will undoubtedly become a paflport to a worlc of this nature and the character of truth and fimplicity, difcemible in every page, muft guarantee its authenticity j I. have no manner fcf occafion to join other teftimonies. If, however, any critic choofes to difbelieve my aflfer-tbn, and is defirous to bring the exiftence of the olginal manufcript into doubt, I am ready to verify it,by means of an immediate impreflion * ; but,as I *TThofe who may be defirous of reading the Merrioirs of the Vilvtc Life of Franklin, in the original, are requefted to leave their. namcUvith Buiflbn, bookfeller, Rue Haute-Feuille, ? 20. The rk will be fent to .the preAbout the Publisher...

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