The Right Projects Done Right!

The Right Projects Done Right!
Книги издательства Willey


Your Guide for Project Management Done Right! "Business strategists and project managers may appear to come from different worlds, yet they have strongly shared objectives. Their functions are highly complementary, since business strategists aim at medium– and long–term survival and prosperity, whereas the project teams zero in on completing short–term projects in pursuit of the organization?s declared goals. To make that happen, people have to be aligned behind the business strategy—they have to know what it is, believe in it, and be motivated to contribute to its fulfillment. Specifically, the players need to be charged up about completing the projects that make up the portfolio, since that is ultimately what makes the strategy come true. The key to successful project portfolio management is overall alignment. First, the portfolio has to be aligned with the business strategy and with available resources. Then the projects have to be aligned with each other and within the...

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