The Sacred Center: The Ancient Art of Locating Sanctuaries

The Sacred Center: The Ancient Art of Locating Sanctuaries
Поступления - 2009 г. - Январь - Июль


The symbolism and power behind sacred locations in ancient and modern times• Explains the need and role for ritual centers in modern society • Examines ancient territorial centers in ancient Egypt, Greece, Africa and Asia, and Iceland and the British Isles • Reveals the code of number and geometry behind the idealistic social structure of the ritual center, formed toimitate the heavenly order Symbols of ritual centers are among the most persistent elements of myth and belief between cultures widely separated in time and space. Every tribe and state had its “generation center,” a sacred area within its heartland where its legendary founders gave birth to its people and established their laws. Within the inner sanctum of the sanctuary was an altar or pillar, the omphalos or navel stone, that marked the midpoint of the home territory and represented the world-pole on which everything revolved. It was the focus of a perpetual cycle of rituals and festivals that passed with the...

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