The Socio-Economic Situation of Gikuyu Women in Naro Moru Location

The Socio-Economic Situation of Gikuyu Women in Naro Moru Location
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The special challenge of this thesis was on the one hand the use of various empirical methods to get to know the complex socio-economic interrelations of the Gikuyu society and on the other hand the overcoming of cultural boundaries. As a European researcher I tried to view all facts to the greatest possible extent free from ethnocentric and Eurocentric aspects. I hope to meet this requirement. This present thesis examines only selected aspects of life in Naro Moru Location, but it can definitely be stated that the Gikuyu women are confronted with many difficulties in their daily lives. One thing which the Gikuyu women really need is income-generating work. In July 2006 they got two brick making machines which were financed by the Austrian development project. They have already started making bricks and they have also built a small house for storing the bricks.

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