The Sunflower Forest: Ecological Restoration and the New Communion with Nature

The Sunflower Forest: Ecological Restoration and the New Communion with Nature
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Природные ресурсы


History and Politics, The Treatment of Capitalism by Historians, The Anticapitalist Bias of American Historians, The Treatment of Capitalism by Continental Intellectuals, The Standard of Life of the Workers in England, 1790-1830, The Factory System of the Early Nineteenth Century


Ecological restoration, the attempt to guide damaged ecosystems back to a previous, usually healthier or more natural, condition, is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most promising approaches to conservation. In this book, William R. Jordan III,who coined the term "restoration ecology," and who is widely respected as an intellectual leader in the field, outlines a vision for a restoration-based environmentalism that has emerged from his work over twenty-five years. Drawing on a provocative range of thinkers, from anthropologists Victor Turner, Roy Rappaport, and Mary Douglas to literary critics Frederick Turner, Leo Marx, and R.W.B. Lewis, Jordan explores the promise of restoration, both as a way of reversing environmental damage and as a context for negotiating our relationship with nature. Exploring restoration not only as a technology but also as an experience and a performing art, Jordan claims that it is the indispensable key to conservation. At the same time, he...

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