The Use of Mass Spectrometry for the Characterization of Foods: Development and Application of Mass Spectrometric Techniques for the Characterisation of Total Agri- Food Chain

The Use of Mass Spectrometry for the Characterization of Foods: Development and Application of Mass Spectrometric Techniques for the Characterisation of Total Agri- Food Chain
Новые поступления - Science. Июнь - 2010 г.


There are many food products that are of superior quality because of the locale in which they are cultivated. Clearly, higher quality products demands higher market prices, therefore unscrupulous traders may attempt to increase profits by deliberately mislabelling foods, or by increasing the volume of a good quality batch through adulteration with sub- standard produce. There may also be safety issues attached to food adulteration. In recent years, there has been increasing legislation to protect the rights of both the consumer and honest producers. To enforce these laws, a measure of the authenticity of samples must be made, most often in the form of proving the presence/absence of adulterants, or verifying geographical or cultivar origin by comparison with known and reliable samples. In this work, there are 5 investigations into food authenticity issues, using a number of mass spectrometric techniques

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