The Way of Innovation: Master the Five Elements of Change to Reinvent Your Products, Services, and Organization

The Way of Innovation: Master the Five Elements of Change to Reinvent Your Products, Services, and Organization
Adams Publishing Group
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Человек-Амфибия. Продавец воздуха. Светопреставление, Ледяной ад. Капитан Сорвиголова, Матиас Шандор, Фанфан-Тюльпан, Пограничный легион. Рассказы, Алые паруса. Блистающий мир. Золотая цепь, Робинзон Крузо, Робин Гуд. Новеллы, Долина молчаливых призраков. Скованные льдом сердца. Золотая петля, Пионеры, или У истоков Сосквеганны. Вайандоте, или Хижина на холме, Наследники Виннету, Перст судьбы. Сигнал бедствия. Вождь герильясов. Отважная охотница, или Дочь скваттера, Остров сокровищ. Принц Отто, Крестоносцы. В 2-х томах, Принцесса Баальбека, Твердая рука. Карденио


?For the first time, someone has captured the essence of innovation and given us a truly fresh language to guide and enhance [the] process.??Verne Harnish, founder of Entrepreneurs? Organization (EO), CEO of Gazelles Inc., and author of Mastering the Rockefeller Habits?Kaihan?s ability to reflect on history and keenly link to the current business environment displays his rich respect and creativity for businesses. This is a great read for those who love the game of strategy.??Melinda Large, Regional Director, People, Wal-Mart?[This book] . . . offers an extremely novel, fresh, and piercing perspective into how people in organizations can personally innovate.??Philip Berry, VP Global Workplace Initiatives, Colgate-PalmoliveInside The Way of Innovation, corporate strategist Kaihan Krippendorff explains how you can adapt and thrive by recognizing, understanding, and utilizing the ancient Asian approach to innovation. He illustrates how companies like Microsoft and Nokia use this powerful...

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