Transforming IT: A Five-Step Plan for Adopting a Service-Centric IT Model

Transforming IT: A Five-Step Plan for Adopting a Service-Centric IT Model
Quimby Press
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Калека, Постоянный пациент, Желтая маска, Неудачная мистификация, Роковая тайна


The nature of IT (information technology) is changing, and changing fast. IT is an increasingly powerful means by which organizations can grow and gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. Yet most organizations struggle to meet the challenges associated with this opportunity. IT leaders typically describe their current situation as being over subscribed, under budgeted, and under constant pressure just to keep the lights on. But these are just symptoms of an underlying condition: IT is simply not structured to deliver its services in a way that s aligned with how the business itself delivers services. In Transforming IT: A Five-Step Plan for Adopting a Service-Centric IT Model, the authors lay out a common sense approach for transforming IT so that it can position itself as a strategic contributor to business innovation. They focus on pragmatic ways to drive lasting change in IT to move the business strategy forward.

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