U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II

U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II
Stackpole Books


U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Издательство: Stackpole BooksАвтор(ы): Shelby StantonЯзык: EnglishГод издания: 1991Количество страниц: 289ISBN: 0-8117-2595-2Формат: pdf (240 dpi) 1650x2150 HQРазмер: 199.0 mbStanton, military historian and archivist, has written the definitive text on the evolution of the U.S. Army uniform during World War II. Four hundred captioned black-and-white photographs (many previously unpublished) describe all issue and many experimental uniforms. Covered are dress uniforms, field uniforms, helmets, tropical and winter gear, boots, and the only in-print descriptions of Women Army Corp uniforms. Rapid1 Rapid2 Rapid3Ifolder1Ifolder2Ifolder3 51

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