Understanding the Dynamics of Child Maltreatment Recurrence

Understanding the Dynamics of Child Maltreatment Recurrence
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Child maltreatment recurrence indicates a major concern about how the Child Protective Systems serve child wellbeing. Accordingly, a full understanding of child maltreatment recurrence is the logical prerequisite for developing proper interventions to reduce chronic child maltreatment. Understanding the dynamics of child maltreatment recurrence requires a knowledge of the pathway from initial report to subsequent report. Analysing a representative data, this book deals with crucial issues: operational definition and ecological perspective of child maltreatment recurrence; frequency, rates, and patterns of recurrence; characteristics of recurrence families; CPS system factors of recurrence; abuse type and substantiation varying by recurrence; and multiple child maltreatment recurrences. This book is academically creditable because of the relatively intense focus on the issues that were rarely studied in the literature of child maltreatment recurrence.

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