Unemployment in Ethiopia

Unemployment in Ethiopia
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"...persons in unemployment consists of workers available for work whose contract of employment had been terminated or temporarily suspended and who were with out a job and looking for work for pay or for profit, those available for work during the specified period and were seeking for work for pay or for profit, and never previously employed or whose most recent status was other than employee, those without a job and currently available for work who had made arrangements to start a new job at a date subsequent to the specified period and those on temporary or inddefinite layoff with out pay..."ILO,1978. people of unemployed status are not from similar backgrounds.They differ one another on the basis of their socio-economic, and demographic profiles. As a result those who are in young age group of 15-24, female sex,low educational status, low income group, large family size are higly velnurable to unemployment.

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