Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography (Victorian Literature and Culture Series)

Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography (Victorian Literature and Culture Series)
Re/Search Publications


Обольщение, Дорогая Марла, Плохая киска, Для тебя, Щедрый подарок лета, Капитан, можно?, Силовая игра, Секс-клуб "Опьянение" в Париже, Общаясь языками, Рэп на день рождения, Оставь сообщение, Его руки, Случай в ресторане, Золото, Химия, Неожиданная встреча, Подземка, Лихорадка, У всех на глазах, В дыму Кэмел Лайт, Диско-дрема, Дай мне блеска, Шестой уровень по кински, Настоящая причина, почему я ношу длинные волосы, Мокрая Гвен, Встреча за обедом, Поездка на поезде, Настоящие рыжие, Долгий путь домой, Внутри, Дерн, Отшлепай меня, Медовый месяц, Помощница фокусника, Костюм


Book DescriptionVernon Lee, born Violet Paget in 1856 to English parents who lived on the continent, bridged two worlds and many cultures. She was a Victorian by birth but lived into the second quarter of the twentieth century. Her chosen home was Italy,but she spent part of every year in England, where she published over the years an impressive number of books: novels, short stories, travel essays, studies of Italian art and music, psychological aesthetics, polemics. She was widely recognized as a woman of letters and moved freely in major literary and social circles, meeting and at times having close friendships with a huge number of the major writers and intellectuals of her time, among them Robert Browning, Walter Pater, Henry James, H. G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Bernard Berenson, and Mario Praz. Although she never committed herself to one program of political activism, she was an advocate for feminism and social reform and during World War I was an ardent pacifist. In her last...

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