Visual Studio Tools for Office 2007: VSTO for Excel, Word, and Outlook (Microsoft .NET Development Series)

Visual Studio Tools for Office 2007: VSTO for Excel, Word, and Outlook (Microsoft .NET Development Series)
Поступления - 2009 г.


Завтрашняя погода, Девочка и стрекоза, Дворник, Случай на вулкане, Великая и загадочная, Веланская история, Дар медузы, Записки незнакомца, Незавершенный эксперимент, Начать сначала, Кибернетический детектив, День радости на планете Олл, Статуи Ленжевена, Каждый день в тринадцать ноль - ноль, Автопортрет, Равные возможности, Тот, кто оказался прав, Знаменитость, Десять минут в подарок, Футурология и фантастика, Супруги, любившие уединение, Косморама, В мире `Русского Фауста`, Человек во Вселенной, Камень - обсерватория, Алгоритм Вселенной?, Фантастическая картотека, Далеко ли видит глаз, Эффект Розы Кулешовой, Русский Икар


Praise for Visual Studio Tools for Office 2007 “Visual Studio Tools for Office has always been one of my favorite technologies to come out of Microsoft. There are millions of people who use Office applications all day, every day; with VSTO, you can create applications for them. Eric Carter and Eric Lippert helped create VSTO, so they know as much about it as anybody, making this book a must-have. After reading it, you’ll know everything needed to begin building solutions that take advantage of the .NET Framework features, in the UI your users are familiar with.” –Robert Green, senior consultant, MCW Technologies “With the application development community so focused on the Smart Client revolution, a book that covers VSTO from A to Z is both important and necessary. This book lives up to big expectations. It is thorough, has tons of example code, and covers Office programming in general terms–topics that can be foreign to the seasoned .NET developer who has focused on ASP.NET...

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