Web Communities: Analysis and Construction

Web Communities: Analysis and Construction
Государственное издательство художественной литературы


Сторонники мира, Новогодняя ночь в Токио, Хлеб, В гостях у Шоу, В Боннской республике, Письмо из Аргентины, Моралисты, 1 октября 1949 года, Красное и голубое, Переправа через Янцзы, В Гуйлине, Любовь, II, Три стихотворения:, 1. Умер друг у меня - вот какая беда, 2. Умер молча, сразу, как от пули, 3. Дружба настоящая не старится, Дом друзей, Сын, III, Под зонтиком, Чужая душа, Друг-приятель, Жил да был человек осторожный, Улыбка, IV, Иван да Марья (поэма)


Due to the lack of a uniform schema for Web documents and the sheer amount and dynamics of Web data, both the effectiveness and the efficiency of information management and retrieval of Web data is often unsatisfactory when using conventional data managemnt techniques. Web community, defined as a set of Web-based documents with its own logical structure, is a flexible and efficient approach to support information retrieval and to implement various applications. Zhang and his co-authors explain how to contruct and analyse Web communities based on information like Web document contents, hyperlinks, or user access logs. Their approaches combine results from Web search algorithms, Web clustering methods, and Web usage mining. They also detail the necessary peliminaries needed to understand the algorithms presented, and they discuss several successful existing applications. Researchers and students in information retrieval and Web search find in this all the necessary basics and methods...

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