Web Content Mining With Java

Web Content Mining With Java
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


What do you with information at the websites you visit? You read it, print it, and maybe do a screen grab. But you could do so much more with it if only you could get hold of the information in a more usable form: a form that you could manipulate, store and query automatically. In this book you?ll learn how to automate the: ? discovery of websites containing interesting data ? extraction of specific information from HTML and XML pages ? presentation of aggregate information via your own portal ? interpretation of data using text– and data–mining techniques Java is the language of the web, so all practical examples are provided in the form of Java code that demonstrates HTTP communication, HTML and XML parsing, email retrieval and much more. This is the book for you if you want some real, practical, help to get your Java–based information applications off the ground.

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