Wisdom in the Telling: Finding Inspiration and Grace in Traditional Folktales and Myths Retold

Wisdom in the Telling: Finding Inspiration and Grace in Traditional Folktales and Myths Retold
Skylight Paths
Писатели G - Z


Путешествие Алисы, День рождения Алисы, Остров ржавого лейтенанта


Stories transport us to a world of extraordinary - and ordinary - heroines and heroes who visit incredible places and overcome enormous obstacles. Allow this world to capture your imagination - it will draw you inward to explore the hidden terrain of your own heart. Renew your sense of hope with Mary McPhee as she gets her wish of a whirlwind ride atop the fearsome pooka. Nurture your benevolent spirit in the art of giving and receiving with the kindhearted shoemaker. Reading these tales you will connect the images in your mind with the feelings in your heart, enabling you to relate to others in a new way. You will find nourishment in sharing their quests for a wild adventure and a truly charitable hand. Revealing the universal nature of all human beings, these powerful stories will speak to you, whispering the soft reminder that you are not alone.

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