Your Perfect Job: A Guide to Discovering Your Gifts, Following Your Passions, and Loving Your Work for the Rest of Your Life

Your Perfect Job: A Guide to Discovering Your Gifts, Following Your Passions, and Loving Your Work for the Rest of Your Life
AMACOM/American Management Association
Секреты успеха


Россия в войне 1941-1945


“So What Are You Going to Do Now?” This question often leaves young adults feeling fearful and confused as they look towards life careers. Author Bob Bittner says finding work you love is not as intimidating as it seems. Your Perfect Job helps readers identify their passions, skills, and inclinations in terms of God’s calling on their lives. Readers will better understand why it’s important to do what they love, how to get started on a career path that is meaningful,how to make mid-course changes, and how to start a new job on the right foot. Drawing on interviews with dozens of young working professionals, Your Perfect Job introduces readers to a wide array of career opportunities and shows how real people went from less than perfect jobs into careers that perfectly matched their personality and passions. Designed for young adults, this book is a perfect selection for high school and college grads, or someone getting ready to make a career...

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