a pathway to sustainability in urban sanitation

a pathway to sustainability in urban sanitation
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Sanitation in rapidly growing cities of developing Asian countries is a complex problem that often appears intractable and unyielding to standard problem-solving approaches. It falls within the class of‘messy’ planning-related problems, characterised by multiple perspectives, key uncertainties and conflicting interests, whose resolution requires going beyond the confines of traditional disciplinary boundaries. This book uses transdisciplinarity as a basis to explore resolution of urban sanitation in alignment with sustainability, integrating concepts from diverse disciplines ranging from systems theory and thermodynamics to ecological and ‘Buddhist economics’. The author highlights, amongst other things, that dominant perspectives and worldviews of a wide range of stakeholders – policy makers, sanitation service providers, academics, students, activists, the general public – are critically important in the organisation of sanitation practice, and hopes that this book might reach at...

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Год: 2004