iMac Portable Genius

iMac Portable Genius


Приключения Тома Сойера, Приключения Гекльберри Финна, Зверобой, Последний из могикан, Всадник без головы, Жизнь у индейцев, Оцеола - вождь семинолов


Mac users are passionate and loyal and these books capture that same feeling in pedagogy and series style. Titles in the Portable Genius series are not comprehensive; instead they aim to provide readers with the most accessible, useful information possible by giving readers tips and techniques for the most used features in a product or software. These books tell readers what they may not find out by just working with a program or software. Genius icons present smart or innovative ways to do something; in many cases, this will be a way that readers can save time or hassle. A handy smaller trim size makes it easy for readers to find essential information on the hottest tips and tricks coupled with savvy advice on everything from simple tasks like getting started to intermediate information and hip tips that cover how to use iMacs and related hardware and software.

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