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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 441 - 460 из примерно 2223.
Growth, Vol. 1: Econometric General Equilibrium ModelingGrowth, Vol. 1: Econometric General Equilibrium Modeling
Автор: Dale Weldeau Jorgenson
Год: 1991
Handbook of Intercultural TrainingHandbook of Intercultural Training
Автор: Dan Landis, Janet Bennett, Milton J. Bennett
Год: 2003
National Governance and the Global Climate Change RegimeNational Governance and the Global Climate Change Regime
Автор: Dana R. Fisher
Год: 2004
Curb Rights: A Foundation for Free Enterprise in Urban TransitCurb Rights: A Foundation for Free Enterprise in Urban Transit
Автор: Daniel B. Klein, Adrian Moore, Binyam Reja
Год: 1995
The Economies of Rising InequalitiesThe Economies of Rising Inequalities
Автор: Daniel Cohen, Thomas Piketty, Gilles Saint-Paul
Год: 1997
Natural Resource Conservation: Management for a Sustainable Future (9th Edition)Natural Resource Conservation: Management for a Sustainable Future (9th Edition)
Автор: Daniel D. Chiras, John P. Reganold, Oliver S. Owen
Год: 2004
Health Reform: Public Success, Private FailureHealth Reform: Public Success, Private Failure
Автор: Daniel Drache, Terry Sullivan
Год: 2002
Computer Revolution: An Economic PerspectiveComputer Revolution: An Economic Perspective
Автор: Daniel E. Sichel, Sichel
Год: 2002
Experimental Methods: A Primer for EconomistsExperimental Methods: A Primer for Economists
Автор: Daniel Friedman, Shyam Sunder
Год: 2006
The New Environmental RegulationThe New Environmental Regulation
Автор: Daniel J. Fiorino
Год: 2006
Essays on Philosophy and Economic MethodologyEssays on Philosophy and Economic Methodology
Автор: Daniel M. Hausman
Год: 1996
Economic Development and Nation Building in EthiopiaEconomic Development and Nation Building in Ethiopia
Автор: Daniel Teferra
Год: 2005
How Societies Learn: Adapting the Welfare State to the Global EconomyHow Societies Learn: Adapting the Welfare State to the Global Economy
Автор: Daniel Yankelovich, Emil Uddhammar
Год: 1997
Innovation Policy in a Global EconomyInnovation Policy in a Global Economy
Автор: Daniele Archibugi, Jeremy Howells, Jonathan Michie
Год: 1999
The Distributional Effects of Environmental PolicyThe Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy
Автор: Darcy Hitchcock, Marsha Willard
Год: 2006