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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1441 - 1460 из примерно 2223.
Saving Social Security: A Balanced ApproachSaving Social Security: A Balanced Approach
Автор: Peter A. Diamond, Peter R. Orszag
Год: 2005
The Economics of Illegal ImmigrationThe Economics of Illegal Immigration
Автор: Chisa To Yoshida, Alan Woodland
Год: 2005
Adjusting to GlobalizationAdjusting to Globalization
Автор: Ismael Hossein-Zadeh
Год: 2005
Empire of CapitalEmpire of Capital
Автор: Ellen Meiksins Wood
Год: 2005
Energy and Environment in India: A HandbookEnergy and Environment in India: A Handbook
Автор: Bani P. Banerjee
Год: 2005
The Democratic Republic of Congo: Economic Dimensions of War and Peace (International Peace Academy Occasional Paper)The Democratic Republic of Congo: Economic Dimensions of War and Peace (International Peace Academy Occasional Paper)
Автор: Michael Wallace Nest, Francois Grignon, Emizet F. Kisangani
Год: 2005