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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1521 - 1540 из примерно 2223.
Culture, Capitalism, and Democracy in the New AmericaCulture, Capitalism, and Democracy in the New America
Автор: Richard Harvey Brown
Год: 2005
Income Distribution in Macroeconomic ModelsIncome Distribution in Macroeconomic Models
Автор: Giuseppe Bertola, Reto Foellmi, Josef Zweimuller
Год: 2005
World Resources 2005: The Wealth of the Poor: Managing Ecosystems to Fight Poverty (World Resources)World Resources 2005: The Wealth of the Poor: Managing Ecosystems to Fight Poverty (World Resources)
Автор: United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, World Bank, World Resour
Год: 2005
Hegemony: The New Shape Of Global PowerHegemony: The New Shape Of Global Power
Автор: John Agnew
Год: 2005
Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Fight over Taxing Inherited WealthDeath by a Thousand Cuts: The Fight over Taxing Inherited Wealth
Автор: Michael J. Graetz, Ian Shapiro
Год: 2005
Advanced MacroeconomicsAdvanced Macroeconomics
Автор: David Romer
Год: 2005
Автор: Bradford DeLong, Martha L. Olney
Год: 2005
Microeconomics and BehaviorMicroeconomics and Behavior
Автор: Robert H Frank
Год: 2005
Global Studies: Africa (Global Studies Africa)Global Studies: Africa (Global Studies Africa)
Автор: Wayne Edge
Год: 2005
Business Mathematics (9th Edition)Business Mathematics (9th Edition)
Автор: Nelda R. Roueche, Virginia Graves, Michael D. Tuttle
Год: 2005
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, An (4th Edition)Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, An (4th Edition)
Автор: Richard J. Larsen, Morris L. Marx
Год: 2005
Modern Mongolia: From Khans to Commissars to CapitalistsModern Mongolia: From Khans to Commissars to Capitalists
Автор: Morris Rossabi
Год: 2005
The Atlantic Slave Trade (Problems in World History)The Atlantic Slave Trade (Problems in World History)
Автор: J. Ralph Lindgren, Nadine Taub, Beth Anne Wolfson, Carla M. Palumbo
Год: 2005