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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 841 - 860 из примерно 2223.
Corporate Networks in Europe and the United StatesCorporate Networks in Europe and the United States
Автор: Paul Windolf
Год: 2002
Dependency Approaches to International Political EconomyDependency Approaches to International Political Economy
Автор: Vincent A. Mahler
Год: 2002
The Politics of the Caribbean Basin Sugar TradeThe Politics of the Caribbean Basin Sugar Trade
Автор: Scott B. MacDonald, Georges A. Fauriol
Год: 2002
United States Technology Export Control: An AssessmentUnited States Technology Export Control: An Assessment
Автор: Douglas E. McDaniel
Год: 2002
The Politics of the International Pricing of Prescription DrugsThe Politics of the International Pricing of Prescription Drugs
Автор: Christopher Scott Harrison
Год: 2002
Global Capital, National State and the Politics of MoneyGlobal Capital, National State and the Politics of Money
Автор: Werner Bonefeld, John Holloway
Год: 2002
Multilateralism and Regionalism After the Uruguay RoundMultilateralism and Regionalism After the Uruguay Round
Автор: Riccardo Faini, Enzo Grilli, Enzo R. Grilli
Год: 2002
Multinational Corporate Evolution and Subsidiary DevelopmentMultinational Corporate Evolution and Subsidiary Development
Автор: Julian Birkinshaw, Neil Hood
Год: 2002
Regulating International Business: Beyond LiberalizationRegulating International Business: Beyond Liberalization
Автор: Sol Picciotto, Ruth Mayne
Год: 2002
Multinationals in A New Era : International Strategy and Management (Academy of International Business)Multinationals in A New Era : International Strategy and Management (Academy of International Business)
Автор: James H. Taggart, Maureen Berry, Michael McDermott
Год: 2002
International Trade ModellingInternational Trade Modelling
Автор: M.G. Dagenais, P.-A. Muet
Год: 2002
The Current Account and Foreign DebtThe Current Account and Foreign Debt
Автор: J. D. Pitchford, John Pitchford
Год: 2002
The Baltic and North Seas (Seas in History)The Baltic and North Seas (Seas in History)
Автор: David Kirby Kirby, Merja-Liisa Hinkkanen
Год: 2002
Region and Strategy in Britain and Japan : Business in Lancashire and Kansai, 1890-1990 (Routledge International Studies in Business History, Volume 7)Region and Strategy in Britain and Japan : Business in Lancashire and Kansai, 1890-1990 (Routledge International Studies in Business History, Volume 7)
Автор: Douglas A. Farnie, Tetsuro Nakaoka, David J. Jeremy, John F. Wilson, Takeshi Abe
Год: 2002