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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1021 - 1040 из примерно 2223.
Computer Revolution: An Economic PerspectiveComputer Revolution: An Economic Perspective
Автор: Daniel E. Sichel, Sichel
Год: 2002
The Structural Econometric Time Series Analysis ApproachThe Structural Econometric Time Series Analysis Approach
Автор: Arnold Zellner, Franz C. Palm
Год: 2002
Towards the Knowledge Society: Ecommerce, Ebusiness, and Egovernment (International Federation for Information Processing, 233)Towards the Knowledge Society: Ecommerce, Ebusiness, and Egovernment (International Federation for Information Processing, 233)
Автор: E-Business, E-Government 2002 Lisbon, Ifip Conference on E-Commerce, Paula M. C. Swatman, Luis Valadares Tavares, Joao L. Monteiro, L. Valadares Tavares
Год: 2002
Introduction to Business: The Economy and YouIntroduction to Business: The Economy and You
Автор: Ristau
Год: 2002
Best Jobs for the 21st CenturyBest Jobs for the 21st Century
Автор: J Michael Farr, Laverne L. Ludden
Год: 2002
Mathematics for Economists: An IntroductionMathematics for Economists: An Introduction
Автор: Martin Timbrell
Год: 2002
Economic Organizations As Games (Economic Organizations as Games)Economic Organizations As Games (Economic Organizations as Games)
Автор: Ken Binmore, Partha Dasgupta
Год: 2002
The Economics of Technical DiffusionThe Economics of Technical Diffusion
Автор: Paul Stoneman
Год: 2002
New Directions in Regulatory Theory (Journal of Law and Society)New Directions in Regulatory Theory (Journal of Law and Society)
Автор: Sol Picciotto, David Campbell
Год: 2002