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The Structure of Applied General Equilibrium ModelsThe Structure of Applied General Equilibrium Models
Автор: Victor Ginsburgh, Michiel Keyzer
Год: 2002
The Conquest of American Inflation.The Conquest of American Inflation.
Автор: Thomas J. Sargent
Год: 2002
The Costs of Poor Health HabitsThe Costs of Poor Health Habits
Автор: Willard G. Manning
Год: 2002
Forecasting in Business and EconomicsForecasting in Business and Economics
Автор: Chuck Chakrapani
Год: 2002
Stochastic Frontier AnalysisStochastic Frontier Analysis
Автор: Subal C. Kumbhakar, C. A. Knox Lovell
Год: 2002
El Mundo Post-EmpresarialEl Mundo Post-Empresarial
Автор: David C. Korten
Год: 2002
Economics: Principles/Problems/DecisionsEconomics: Principles/Problems/Decisions
Автор: Edwin Mansfield
Год: 2002
Economics: Principles, Problems, Decisions Study GuideEconomics: Principles, Problems, Decisions Study Guide
Автор: Edwin Mansfield
Год: 2002
Fixing CapitalismFixing Capitalism
Автор: Jonathan Carr
Год: 2002
Karl Marx: Critical Responses (Routledge Critical Responses)Karl Marx: Critical Responses (Routledge Critical Responses)
Автор: Roberto Marchionatti
Год: 2002
What do Economists Know? (Economics as Social Theory)What do Economists Know? (Economics as Social Theory)
Автор: Robert F. Garnett
Год: 2002
Gender and Economics: A European PerspectiveGender and Economics: A European Perspective
Автор: Geske Dijkstra, Janneke Plantenga, Routledge
Год: 2002
Multimedia and Regional Economic Restructuring (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Multimedia and Regional Economic Restructuring (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)
Автор: Hans-Joachim Braczyk, Gerhard Fuchs, Hans-Georg Wolf
Год: 2002
Health Reform: Public Success, Private FailureHealth Reform: Public Success, Private Failure
Автор: Daniel Drache, Terry Sullivan
Год: 2002