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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 541 - 560 из примерно 651.
The Location of Economic Activity In The EU: Monitoring European Integration No. 10The Location of Economic Activity In The EU: Monitoring European Integration No. 10
Автор: Pontus Braunerhjelm, Ricardo Faini, Victor Norman, Francis Ruane, Paul Seabright
Год: 1984
The Logic of Regional Integration: Europe and BeyondThe Logic of Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond
Автор: Walter Mattli
Год: 1996
The Long Boom: A Vision for the Coming Age of ProsperityThe Long Boom: A Vision for the Coming Age of Prosperity
Автор: Peter Schwartz, Peter Leyden, Joel Hyatt
Год: 1996
The MAI Affair: A Story and its LessonsThe MAI Affair: A Story and its Lessons
Автор: David Henderson
Год: 2000
The Market Meets Its Match: Restructuring the Economies of Eastern EuropeThe Market Meets Its Match: Restructuring the Economies of Eastern Europe
Автор: Alice H. Amsden, Jacek Kochanowicz, Lance Taylor
Год: 2000
The New Asia in Global PerspectiveThe New Asia in Global Perspective
Автор: Myung-Gun Choo
Год: 1999
The New European Economy RevisitedThe New European Economy Revisited
Автор: Loukas Tsoukalis
Год: 2004
The New Political Economy of Emerging EuropeThe New Political Economy of Emerging Europe
Автор: Laszlo Csaba
Год: 2005
The New World Order: An Economic Global RegimeThe New World Order: An Economic Global Regime
Автор: Carlo James
Год: 1996
The Origins of Capitalism and the The Origins of Capitalism and the "Rise of the West"
Автор: Eric H Mielants
Год: 2007
The Other Davos: The Globalization of Resistance to the World Economic SystemThe Other Davos: The Globalization of Resistance to the World Economic System
Автор: Franois Houtart, Francois Houtart
Год: 1996
The Oxford Companion to Economics in IndiaThe Oxford Companion to Economics in India
Автор: David A. Bell
Год: 2007
The Political Economy of International Financial CrisisThe Political Economy of International Financial Crisis
Автор: Shale Horowitz, Uk Heo
Год: 1996
The Political Economy of International RelationsThe Political Economy of International Relations
Автор: Robert Gilpin
Год: 1987
The Political Economy of the Asian Financial CrisisThe Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis
Автор: Stephan Haggard
Год: 2003