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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 701 - 720 из примерно 1797.
Managing a Global EnterpriseManaging a Global Enterprise
Автор: William R. Feist, James A. Heely, Min H. Lu, Roy L. Nersesian
Год: 2000
Necessary But Not SufficientNecessary But Not Sufficient
Автор: Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Eli Schragenheim, Carol A. Ptak
Год: 2000
Computer-Aided Decision AnalysisComputer-Aided Decision Analysis
Автор: Stuart S. Nagel
Год: 2000
Profitable Top-Line Growth For Industrial CompaniesProfitable Top-Line Growth For Industrial Companies
Автор: James D. Hlavacek
Год: 2000
Research on the Management of Innovation: The Minnesota StudiesResearch on the Management of Innovation: The Minnesota Studies
Автор: Edited By Andrew H. Van De Ven, Harold L. Angle, Marshall Scott Poole
Год: 2000
Statistical Methods for Testing, Development, and ManufacturingStatistical Methods for Testing, Development, and Manufacturing
Автор: Forrest W. Breyfogle
Год: 2000
Supply Management for Value EnhancementSupply Management for Value Enhancement
Автор: Lisa M. Ellram, Thomas T. Choi, Thomas Y. Choi
Год: 2000
Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and ReportsWriting for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports
Автор: Lisa M. Ellram, Thomas T. Choi, Thomas Y. Choi
Год: 2000
The Road to Manufacturing Success: Common Sense Throughput Solutions for Small BusinessThe Road to Manufacturing Success: Common Sense Throughput Solutions for Small Business
Автор: Richard T. Lilly, Richard T. Lilly, David R. Lide, Frank O. Smith
Год: 2000
The Employment Relationship: Examining Psychological and Contextual PerspectivesThe Employment Relationship: Examining Psychological and Contextual Perspectives
Автор: Jacqueline A. M. Coyle-Shapiro, Lynn M. Shore, M. Susan Taylor, Lois E. Tetrick
Год: 2000
Hazardous Waste ComplianceHazardous Waste Compliance
Автор: Spon, R. Males, Peter Barrett
Год: 2000
Managing Maintenance Shutdowns and OutagesManaging Maintenance Shutdowns and Outages
Автор: Joel Levitt
Год: 2000
Improving The Performance Of Governing Boards: (American Council on Education Oryx Press Series on Higher Education)Improving The Performance Of Governing Boards: (American Council on Education Oryx Press Series on Higher Education)
Автор: Richard P. Chait, Thomas P. Holland, Barbara E. Taylor
Год: 2000