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Tpm for Supervisors (Shopfloor Series)Tpm for Supervisors (Shopfloor Series)
Автор: Productivity Press
Год: 2001
Skill Wars, Winning the Battle for Productivity and ProfitSkill Wars, Winning the Battle for Productivity and Profit
Автор: Edward E. Lawler III
Год: 2001
The Nature and Dynamics of Organizational CapabilitiesThe Nature and Dynamics of Organizational Capabilities
Автор: Giovanni Dosi, Richard R. Nelson, Sidney G. Winter
Год: 2001
The Logistics HandbookThe Logistics Handbook
Автор: James F. Robeson, William C. Copacino, R. Edwin Howe
Год: 2001
Truth, Trust, and the Bottom Line: 7 Steps to Trust-Based ManagementTruth, Trust, and the Bottom Line: 7 Steps to Trust-Based Management
Автор: Diane Tracy, William J. Morin
Год: 2001
Project ManagementProject Management
Автор: Mike Field, Laurie Keller
Год: 2001
Reorganizing the Factory: Competing Through Cellular ManufacturingReorganizing the Factory: Competing Through Cellular Manufacturing
Автор: Nancy Hyer, Urban Wemmerlov
Год: 2001
Consumer Evolution: Nine Effective Strategies for Driving Business GrowthConsumer Evolution: Nine Effective Strategies for Driving Business Growth
Автор: Charles Grantham, Judith Carr
Год: 2001
Business Services Orchestration: The Hypertier of Information TechnologyBusiness Services Orchestration: The Hypertier of Information Technology
Автор: Waqar Sadiq, Felix Racca
Год: 2001
Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across CulturesCultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures
Автор: P. Christopher Earley, Soon Ang
Год: 2001
Effective Small Business Management (Harcourt College Publishers Series in Entrepreneurship)Effective Small Business Management (Harcourt College Publishers Series in Entrepreneurship)
Автор: Richard M. Hodgetts, Donald F. Kuratko
Год: 2001
Power Tools: 33 Management Inventions You Can Use TodayPower Tools: 33 Management Inventions You Can Use Today
Автор: Samuel D. Deep, Lyle Sussman, Sam Deep
Год: 2001
Empowering EmployeesEmpowering Employees
Автор: Kenneth L. Murrell, Mimi Meredith
Год: 2001
Organizational Behavior: The Person-Organization FitOrganizational Behavior: The Person-Organization Fit
Автор: Afsaneh Nahavandi, Ali R. Malekzadeh
Год: 2001
Risk Behaviour and Risk Management in Business LifeRisk Behaviour and Risk Management in Business Life
Автор: Bo Green, Robert Cressy, Frederic Delmar, Theodore Eisenberg, Barry Howcroft, Mervyn Lewis, Dirk Schoenmaker, James Shanteau, Robert Vivian
Год: 2001
Essential Managers: Performance ReviewsEssential Managers: Performance Reviews
Автор: Ken Langdon & Christina Osborne
Год: 2001