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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 521 - 540 из примерно 1797.
Model Job Descriptions for BusinessModel Job Descriptions for Business
Автор: Don A. Morrison
Год: 1999
Productivity and Reliability-Based Maintenance ManagementProductivity and Reliability-Based Maintenance Management
Автор: Matthew P. Stephens
Год: 1999
Small Business ManagementSmall Business Management
Автор: Nicholas C. Siropolis
Год: 1999
Facilitate Work TeamsFacilitate Work Teams
Автор: Kerry Aldridge
Год: 1999
Japanese Management in the Low Growth Era: Between External Shocks and Internal EvolutionJapanese Management in the Low Growth Era: Between External Shocks and Internal Evolution
Автор: Daniel Dirks, Jean-Francois Huchet, Thierry Ribault
Год: 1999
International Management for Business Executives: Practical Handbook (World Business Library)International Management for Business Executives: Practical Handbook (World Business Library)
Автор: USA International Business Publications
Год: 1999
Managing Business Process FlowsManaging Business Process Flows
Автор: RavA­ Anupindi, Sunil Chopra, Sudhakar D. Deshmukh, Jan A. Van Mieghem, Eitan Zemel, Jan Van Mieghem
Год: 1999
Management Challenges for the 21st CenturyManagement Challenges for the 21st Century
Автор: Peter F. Drucker
Год: 1999