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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1021 - 1040 из примерно 1797.
Management Strategy with Student CD-ROMManagement Strategy with Student CD-ROM
Автор: Daniel F. Spulber
Год: 2002
Product Juggernauts: How Companies Mobilize to Generate a Stream of Market WinnersProduct Juggernauts: How Companies Mobilize to Generate a Stream of Market Winners
Автор: Jean-Philippe Deschamps, P. Ranganath Nayak
Год: 2002
The New Supervisor: A Guide for the Newly PromotedThe New Supervisor: A Guide for the Newly Promoted
Автор: Elwood N. Chapman, Wil McKnight
Год: 2002
Build Your Business Stronger: And Do It Quickly!Build Your Business Stronger: And Do It Quickly!
Автор: Ronald E. Guzik
Год: 2002
Business Policy and Strategy: An Action Guide, Sixth EditionBusiness Policy and Strategy: An Action Guide, Sixth Edition
Автор: Robert G. Business Policy and Strategy Murdick, Harold C. Babson, R. Carl Moor, William H. Tomlinson
Год: 2002
Internet Solutions for Project ManagersInternet Solutions for Project Managers
Автор: Amit K. Maitra
Год: 2002
Distributed Decision MakingDistributed Decision Making
Автор: Christoph Schneeweiss
Год: 2002
Creating Value: Winners in the New Business EnvironmentCreating Value: Winners in the New Business Environment
Автор: Michael A. Hitt, Raphael Amit, Charles E. Lucier, Robert D. Nixon
Год: 2002
Effective Listening SkillsEffective Listening Skills
Автор: Art James, Dennis Kratz
Год: 2002
Knowledge Unplugged: The McKinsey & Company Global Survey on Knowledge ManagementKnowledge Unplugged: The McKinsey & Company Global Survey on Knowledge Management
Автор: Jurgen Kluge, Wolfram Stein, Thomas Licht
Год: 2002
Guide to Cross-Cultural CommunicationGuide to Cross-Cultural Communication
Автор: Sana Reynolds, Deborah Valentine
Год: 2002
Business Performance MeasurementBusiness Performance Measurement
Автор: A. D. Neely, Andrew Neely
Год: 2002
Labor Relations (10th Edition)Labor Relations (10th Edition)
Автор: Arthur A. Sloane, Fred Witney
Год: 2002