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Algorithms for Statistical Signal ProcessingAlgorithms for Statistical Signal Processing
Автор: John G. Proakis, Charles M. Rader, Fuyun Ling, Marc Moonen, Ian K. Proudler, Chrysostomos L. Nikias
Год: 2006
Statistical Analysis of Reliability DataStatistical Analysis of Reliability Data
Автор: M.J. Crowder, A.C. Kimber, R.L. Smith, T.J. Sweeting
Год: 2006
CURRENT DxTx Ready Reference for PDA : Clinical Highlights from CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment (CMDT) 2003CURRENT DxTx Ready Reference for PDA : Clinical Highlights from CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment (CMDT) 2003
Автор: Maxine A. Papadakis, Stephen J. McPhee, Lawrence M. Tierney
Год: 2007
Discovering P2PDiscovering P2P
Автор: Michael Miller, Michael Miller
Год: 2007
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, a Brief CourseMavis Beacon Teaches Typing, a Brief Course
Автор: Lawrence W. Erickson
Год: 2007
Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology, 2008 UpdateMedia Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology, 2008 Update
Автор: Joseph Straubhaar, Robert LaRose
Год: 2007
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first CenturyThe World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Автор: Thomas L. Friedman
Год: 2007
Network Simulation Experiments Manual, Second EditionNetwork Simulation Experiments Manual, Second Edition
Автор: Emad Aboelela
Год: 2007
Writing for the WebWriting for the Web
Автор: Susannah Ross
Год: 2007
E-Government in Europe: Re-Booting the StateE-Government in Europe: Re-Booting the State
Автор: Edited by Paul G. Nixon and Vassiliki N. Koutrakou
Год: 2007
Discovering Computers 2008: CompleteDiscovering Computers 2008: Complete
Автор: Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Misty E. Vermaat
Год: 2008
Oracle Applications DBA Covers 11i and R12Oracle Applications DBA Covers 11i and R12
Автор: Joyjeet Banerjee
Год: 2008
Wireless Mesh NetworkingWireless Mesh Networking
Автор: George Aggelou
Год: 2008
PC QUICKSTEPS 2/E (Quicksteps)PC QUICKSTEPS 2/E (Quicksteps)
Автор: Guy Hart-Davis
Год: 2008
Dielectric Materials for Wireless CommunicationDielectric Materials for Wireless Communication
Автор: Mailadil T. Sebastian
Год: 2008
The Art of Game Design: A book of lensesThe Art of Game Design: A book of lenses
Автор: Jesse Schell
Год: 2008