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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (А → Я) Результаты 21 - 38 из примерно 38.
Mobile and Wireless Internet: Protocols, Algorithms, and SystemsMobile and Wireless Internet: Protocols, Algorithms, and Systems
Автор: Kia Makki, Niki, Ph.D. Pissinou, Kami, Ph.D. Makki, E. K., Ph.D. Park, Kia, Ph.D. Makki
Год: 2002
Wireless Information NetworksWireless Information Networks
Автор: Kaveh Pahlavan, Allen H. Levesque
Год: 1994
OFDM Wireless LANs: A Theoretical and Practical GuideOFDM Wireless LANs: A Theoretical and Practical Guide
Автор: Juha Heiskala, John Terry
Год: 2001
Wireless Communications and NetworkingWireless Communications and Networking
Автор: Jon W. Mark, Weihua Zhuang
Год: 2003
Perpetual Contact : Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public PerformancePerpetual Contact : Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance
Автор: James E. Katz, Mark Aakhus
Год: 2005
Building A Wireless OfficeBuilding A Wireless Office
Автор: Gilbert Held
Год: 1997
Mixed Signal VLSI Wireless Design - Circuits and SystemsMixed Signal VLSI Wireless Design - Circuits and Systems
Автор: Emad N. Farag, Mohamed I. Elmasry
Год: 2005
Testing UMTSTesting UMTS
Автор: Daniel Fox
Год: 2008
Mobile VPN : Delivering Advanced Services in Next Generation Wireless SystemsMobile VPN : Delivering Advanced Services in Next Generation Wireless Systems
Автор: Alex Shneyderman, Alessio Casati
Год: 2004
The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile CommunicationsThe Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications
Автор: Alan Gatherer, Edgar Auslander
Год: 2000
Secure Broadcast Communication: In Wired and Wireless NetworksSecure Broadcast Communication: In Wired and Wireless Networks
Автор: Adrian Perrig, J. D. Tygar
Год: 2002