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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 741 - 760 из примерно 1922.
Bucking the Deficit: Economic Policymaking in America (Dilemmas in American Politics)Bucking the Deficit: Economic Policymaking in America (Dilemmas in American Politics)
Автор: G. Calvin MacKenzie, Saranna Thornton
Год: 2000
Beyond Reconstruction in Afghanistan: Lessons from Development ExperienceBeyond Reconstruction in Afghanistan: Lessons from Development Experience
Автор: John Dickey Montgomery, Dennis A. Rondinelli
Год: 2000
Islamic Finance in the Global EconomyIslamic Finance in the Global Economy
Автор: Ibrahim Warde
Год: 2000
Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications Volume 3Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications Volume 3
Автор: Robert J. Aumannn, Sergiu Hart
Год: 2000
Road Funds and Road Maintenance: An Asian PerspectiveRoad Funds and Road Maintenance: An Asian Perspective
Автор: Asian Development Bank
Год: 2000
Social Impact Assessment: An IntroductionSocial Impact Assessment: An Introduction
Автор: C. J. Barrow
Год: 2000
Economic Policy for Aging Societies (Symposia and Conference Proceedings)Economic Policy for Aging Societies (Symposia and Conference Proceedings)
Автор: Kiel Week Conference, Horst Siebert
Год: 2000
Knowledge Spillovers and Economic Growth:Knowledge Spillovers and Economic Growth:
Автор: M. C. J. Caniels, Marjolein C. J. Caniels
Год: 2000
Indonesia: Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)Indonesia: Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)
Автор: International Business Publications USA
Год: 2000
Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries: From Theory and PracticeSubnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries: From Theory and Practice
Автор: Mila Freire, John E. Petersen, Marcela Huertas, Miguel Valadez
Год: 2000
The Effectiveness of Eu Business AssociationsThe Effectiveness of Eu Business Associations
Автор: Justin Greenwood, Ernst & Young Association Management
Год: 2000
Special Interest PoliticsSpecial Interest Politics
Автор: Gene Grossman, Elhanan Helpman, Gene M. Grossman
Год: 2000