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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 781 - 800 из примерно 1922.
The Future of Domestic Capital Markets in Developing Countries (World Bank/IMF/Brookings Emerging Markets Series)The Future of Domestic Capital Markets in Developing Countries (World Bank/IMF/Brookings Emerging Markets Series)
Автор: Robert E. Litan, Michael Pomerleano, V. Sundararajan
Год: 2000
U.S. Policy in Post-Saddam Iraq: Lessons from the British ExperienceU.S. Policy in Post-Saddam Iraq: Lessons from the British Experience
Автор: Michael Eisenstadt, Eric Mathewson, Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Год: 2000
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and ApplicationCost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application
Автор: Tevfik F. Nas
Год: 2000
Models of Capitalism: Lessons for Latin AmericaModels of Capitalism: Lessons for Latin America
Автор: Evelyne Huber
Год: 2000
Health Financing for Poor People: Resource Mobilization and Risk SharingHealth Financing for Poor People: Resource Mobilization and Risk Sharing
Автор: Alexander S. Preker, Guy Carrin
Год: 2000
Regional Modernities: The Cultural Politics of Development in IndiaRegional Modernities: The Cultural Politics of Development in India
Автор: K. Sivaramakrishnan, Arun Agrawal
Год: 2000
Rise of China and a Changing East Asian OrderRise of China and a Changing East Asian Order
Автор: Kokubun Ryosei, Wang Jisi
Год: 2000
The Wto and Developing CountriesThe Wto and Developing Countries
Автор: Homi Katrak, Roger Strange
Год: 2000
Competition in TelecommunicationsCompetition in Telecommunications
Автор: Jean-Jacques Laffont, Jean Tirole
Год: 2001
Political Cycles and the MacroeconomyPolitical Cycles and the Macroeconomy
Автор: Alberto Alesina, Nouriel Roubini, Gerald D. Cohen
Год: 2001
The Economics of Russian TransitionThe Economics of Russian Transition
Автор: Yegor Gaidar
Год: 2001
Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in PerspectiveFrontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective
Автор: Gerald M. Meier, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Год: 2001