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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1841 - 1860 из примерно 2488.
Bayesian Statistics and Marketing (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)Bayesian Statistics and Marketing (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Автор: Peter Rossi, Greg Allenby, Rob McCulloch
Год: 2006
Blackout: How the Electric Industry Exploits AmericaBlackout: How the Electric Industry Exploits America
Автор: Gordon L. Weil
Год: 2006
Blessed Among Nations: How the World Made AmericaBlessed Among Nations: How the World Made America
Автор: Eric Rauchway
Год: 2006
Blogosphere: Best of BlogsBlogosphere: Best of Blogs
Автор: Peter Kuhns, Adrienne Crew
Год: 2006
Blue Guide Greece: The Mainland, Seventh EditionBlue Guide Greece: The Mainland, Seventh Edition
Автор: Sherry Marker, James Pettifer
Год: 2006
Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values ApproachBecoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach
Автор: Robert E. Quinn, Lynda St. Clair, Sue R. Faerman, Michael P. Thompson, Michael McGrath
Год: 2006
Becoming a Real-Time EnterpriseBecoming a Real-Time Enterprise
Автор: Behnam Tabrizi
Год: 2006
Beginning ActionScript 2.0 (Wrox Beginning Guides)Beginning ActionScript 2.0 (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Автор: Nathan Derksen, Jeff Berg
Год: 2006
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 and Databases (Wrox Beginning Guides)Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 and Databases (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Автор: John Kauffman, Bradley Millington
Год: 2006
Beginning Java 5 Game ProgrammingBeginning Java 5 Game Programming
Автор: Jonathan S. Harbour
Год: 2006
Beginning Pre-Calculus for Game DevelopersBeginning Pre-Calculus for Game Developers
Автор: Ph.D., John P Flynt, Boris Meltreger
Год: 2006
Beginning Xcode (Programmer to Programmer)Beginning Xcode (Programmer to Programmer)
Автор: James Bucanek
Год: 2006
Beyond Engineering: How to Work on a TeamBeyond Engineering: How to Work on a Team
Автор: Suzanne Young, Harry T. Roman
Год: 2006
Beyond Oil and Gas: The Methanol EconomyBeyond Oil and Gas: The Methanol Economy
Автор: George A. Olah, Alain Goeppert, G. K. Surya Prakash
Год: 2006