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Handbook of Sports Economics ResearchHandbook of Sports Economics Research
Автор: Allan B. Afterman
Год: 2005
International Aid: Flow of Public Resources from Rich to Poor CountriesInternational Aid: Flow of Public Resources from Rich to Poor Countries
Автор: IMD Little, J. M. Clifford
Год: 2005
International BusinessInternational Business
Автор: Les Dlabay, Jim Scott
Год: 2005
International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, And MaterialsInternational Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, And Materials
Автор: Daniel C. K. Chow, Thomas J. Schoenbaum
Год: 2005
International Business with Online Learning Center access cardInternational Business with Online Learning Center access card
Автор: Charles W. L. Hill
Год: 2005
International EconomicsInternational Economics
Автор: Dennis R Appleyard, Alfred J Field, Steven Cobb
Год: 2005
International Encyclopedia of Economic SociologyInternational Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology
Автор: Jens Beckert
Год: 2005
International Financial Reporting and AnalysisInternational Financial Reporting and Analysis
Автор: David Alexander, Anne Britton, Ann Jorissen
Год: 2005
International Financial Reporting Standards 2005International Financial Reporting Standards 2005
Автор: International Accounting Standards Board
Год: 2005
International Financial Reporting: A Comparative Approach (3rd Edition)International Financial Reporting: A Comparative Approach (3rd Edition)
Автор: Clare Roberts, Pauline Weetman, Paul Gordon
Год: 2005
International GAAP 2005International GAAP 2005
Автор: Financial Reporting Group of Ernst & Young
Год: 2005
International Handbook of Trade Unions (Elgar Original Reference)International Handbook of Trade Unions (Elgar Original Reference)
Автор: Financial Reporting Group of Ernst & Young
Год: 2005