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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 901 - 920 из примерно 2488.
Economic Crises and Electoral Responses in Latin AmericaEconomic Crises and Electoral Responses in Latin America
Автор: Fabin Echegaray
Год: 2005
Economic Development (9th Edition) (Addison-Wesley Series in Economics)Economic Development (9th Edition) (Addison-Wesley Series in Economics)
Автор: Michael P. Todaro, Stephen C. Smith
Год: 2005
Economic Development In New Zealand (The Dynamics of Economic Space)Economic Development In New Zealand (The Dynamics of Economic Space)
Автор: Y. Stathakis, Yiorgos Stathakis, Gianni Vaggi
Год: 2005
Economic Education for ConsumersEconomic Education for Consumers
Автор: Roger LeRoy Miller, Alan D. Stafford
Год: 2005
Economic Education for ConsumersEconomic Education for Consumers
Автор: Roger LeRoy Miller, Alan D. Stafford
Год: 2005
Economic Evaluation (Understanding Public Health)Economic Evaluation (Understanding Public Health)
Автор: Julia Fox-Rushby, John Cairns
Год: 2005
Economic ForecastingEconomic Forecasting
Автор: Nicholas Carnot, Vincent Koen, Bruno Tissot
Год: 2005
Economic Globalization In AsiaEconomic Globalization In Asia
Автор: James D. Gwartney
Год: 2005
Economic Issues Today: Alternate ApproachesEconomic Issues Today: Alternate Approaches
Автор: Robert B. Carson, Wade L. Thomas, Jason Hecht
Год: 2005
Economic SociodynamicsEconomic Sociodynamics
Автор: Ruslan Grinberg, Alexander Rubinstein
Год: 2005