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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 841 - 860 из примерно 1940.
Instruction and Imagery in Proverbs 1-9Instruction and Imagery in Proverbs 1-9
Автор: Stuart Weeks
Год: 2007
The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and WitchcraftThe Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft
Автор: Rebecca L. Stein, Philip L. Stein
Год: 2007
Catholic Figures, Queer NarrativesCatholic Figures, Queer Narratives
Автор: Andrew Louth
Год: 2007
Practicing Mortality: Art, Philosophy, and Contemplative SeeingPracticing Mortality: Art, Philosophy, and Contemplative Seeing
Автор: Christopher A. Dustin, Joanna E. Ziegler
Год: 2007
The Philosophy of QI: The Record of Great DoubtsThe Philosophy of QI: The Record of Great Doubts
Автор: Kaibara Ekken
Год: 2007
Wandering with Sadhus: Ascetics in the Hindu HimalayasWandering with Sadhus: Ascetics in the Hindu Himalayas
Автор: Sondra L. Hausner
Год: 2007
God After Metaphysics: A Theological AestheticGod After Metaphysics: A Theological Aesthetic
Автор: John Panteleimon Manoussakis
Год: 2007