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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1481 - 1500 из примерно 2318.
Coping with Chronic Illness and Disability: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical AspectsCoping with Chronic Illness and Disability: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Aspects
Автор: Anne Teeter Ellison, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman
Год: 2007
Best Remedies: Breakthrough Prescriptions that Blend Conventional and Natural MedicineBest Remedies: Breakthrough Prescriptions that Blend Conventional and Natural Medicine
Автор: M.D. and Debra L. Gordon Mary Hardy
Год: 2007
Fragile Families and the Marriage AgendaFragile Families and the Marriage Agenda
Автор: Anne Teeter Ellison, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman
Год: 2007
Handbook of Consultation-Liaison PsychiatryHandbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Автор: Anne Teeter Ellison, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman
Год: 2007
Cross-Cultural Assessment of Psychological Trauma and PTSDCross-Cultural Assessment of Psychological Trauma and PTSD
Автор: Robert J. Kohlenberg, Mavis Tsai
Год: 2007
The Long View of Crime: A Synthesis of Longitudinal ResearchThe Long View of Crime: A Synthesis of Longitudinal Research
Автор: Robert J. Kohlenberg, Mavis Tsai
Год: 2007
Auditory Perception of Sound SourcesAuditory Perception of Sound Sources
Автор: Robert J. Kohlenberg, Mavis Tsai
Год: 2007
Social Capital and HealthSocial Capital and Health
Автор: Robert J. Kohlenberg, Mavis Tsai
Год: 2007
Social Competence in ChildrenSocial Competence in Children
Автор: Margaret Semrud-Clikeman
Год: 2007
The Sociology of LoyaltyThe Sociology of Loyalty
Автор: James Connor
Год: 2007
Drug Courts: A New Approach to Treatment and RehabilitationDrug Courts: A New Approach to Treatment and Rehabilitation
Автор: Francesco Aquilar, Mauro Galluccio
Год: 2007
Issues in Psychology, Psychotherapy,&JudaismIssues in Psychology, Psychotherapy,&Judaism
Автор: Seymour Hoffman
Год: 2007
Developing Prosocial Communities Across CulturesDeveloping Prosocial Communities Across Cultures
Автор: Forrest B. Tyler
Год: 2007