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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1121 - 1140 из примерно 7433.
Competition, Strategy and Management in ChinaCompetition, Strategy and Management in China
Автор: Fang Lee Cooke
Год: 2008
Accounting: Global Challenges, National Responses (Transformations of the State)Accounting: Global Challenges, National Responses (Transformations of the State)
Автор: Jochen Zimmermann, Jorg Werner, Philipp Volmer
Год: 2008
The Morality of Money: An Exploration in Analytic PhilosophyThe Morality of Money: An Exploration in Analytic Philosophy
Автор: Adrian Walsh, Tony Lynch
Год: 2008
Financial Liberalization and Economic Performance in Emerging CountriesFinancial Liberalization and Economic Performance in Emerging Countries
Автор: Peninah Thomson, Jacey Graham, Tom Lloyd
Год: 2008
Economic Policy Options for a Prosperous NigeriaEconomic Policy Options for a Prosperous Nigeria
Автор: Harold Wilhite
Год: 2008
Social Trends (38th Edition) (Social Trends)Social Trends (38th Edition) (Social Trends)
Автор: Office for National Statistics, The Office for National Statistics
Год: 2008
Global Sustainability: Social and Environmental ConditionsGlobal Sustainability: Social and Environmental Conditions
Автор: Alessandro Vercelli, Simone Borghesi
Год: 2008
Gender and Language Research MethodologiesGender and Language Research Methodologies
Автор: Alessandro Vercelli, Simone Borghesi
Год: 2008
Tanzania Investment and Business GuideTanzania Investment and Business Guide
Автор: Ibp Usa
Год: 2008
Serbia Investment and Business GuideSerbia Investment and Business Guide
Автор: Ibp Usa
Год: 2008