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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 3021 - 3040 из примерно 7433.
Research Methods for Media and CommunicationResearch Methods for Media and Communication
Автор: Niranjala Weerakkody
Год: 2008
Media and Journalism: New Approaches to Theory and PracticeMedia and Journalism: New Approaches to Theory and Practice
Автор: Jason Bainbridge, Nicola Goc, Elizabeth Tynan
Год: 2008
Performance ManagementPerformance Management
Автор: A. S. Kohli, T. Deb
Год: 2008
Bangladesh Investment and Business GuideBangladesh Investment and Business Guide
Автор: Ibp Usa
Год: 2008
Belize Investment and Business GuideBelize Investment and Business Guide
Автор: Ibp Usa
Год: 2008
Kenya Investment and Business GuideKenya Investment and Business Guide
Автор: Ibp Usa
Год: 2008
Water Resources of the Indian SubcontinentWater Resources of the Indian Subcontinent
Автор: Arvind Subramanian
Год: 2008
Management Principles, Processes, and PracticesManagement Principles, Processes, and Practices
Автор: Anil Bhat, Arya Kumar
Год: 2008
IT Strategy for BusinessIT Strategy for Business
Автор: Parag Kulkarni, Pradeep Chandle
Год: 2008
Export Import ManagementExport Import Management
Автор: Justin Paul, Rajiv Aserkar
Год: 2008
Global Business Environments and StrategiesGlobal Business Environments and Strategies
Автор: Johan Hough, Ernst Neuland
Год: 2008
Ukraine Investment and Business GuideUkraine Investment and Business Guide
Автор: Ibp Usa
Год: 2008
Managing South African TourismManaging South African Tourism
Автор: Richard George
Год: 2008
The Evolution of Resource Property RightsThe Evolution of Resource Property Rights
Автор: Anthony Scott
Год: 2008
Gender and Language Research MethodologiesGender and Language Research Methodologies
Автор: Edited by Kate Harrington, Lia Litosseliti, Helen Sauntson and Jane Sunderland
Год: 2008