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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 501 - 520 из примерно 1306.
Nanopackaging: Nanotechnologies and Electronics PackagingNanopackaging: Nanotechnologies and Electronics Packaging
Автор: Ludwig Reimer, Helmut Kohl
Год: 2008
Environmentally Benign CatalystsEnvironmentally Benign Catalysts
Автор: Richard Greenberg
Год: 2008
The Cancer Degradome: Proteases and Cancer BiologyThe Cancer Degradome: Proteases and Cancer Biology
Автор: Richard Greenberg
Год: 2008
The SAGES Manual: A Practical Guide to Bariatric SurgeryThe SAGES Manual: A Practical Guide to Bariatric Surgery
Автор: Richard Greenberg
Год: 2008
Mathematics and Technology (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology)Mathematics and Technology (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology)
Автор: Christiane Rousseau, Yvan Saint-Aubin
Год: 2008
Pancreatic Cancer ( Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology Series)Pancreatic Cancer ( Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology Series)
Автор: Christiane Rousseau, Yvan Saint-Aubin
Год: 2008
Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated DictionaryIndian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary
Автор: C.P. Khare
Год: 2008
Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy CropsGenetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops
Автор: C.P. Khare
Год: 2008
Precoding Techniques for Digital Communication SystemsPrecoding Techniques for Digital Communication Systems
Автор: C.-C. Kuo, Shang-Ho Tsai, Layla Tadjpour, Yu-Hao Chang
Год: 2008
Proceedings of Light-Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy Conference (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)Proceedings of Light-Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy Conference (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)
Автор: C.-C. Kuo, Shang-Ho Tsai, Layla Tadjpour, Yu-Hao Chang
Год: 2008
Cereals (Handbook of Plant Breeding)Cereals (Handbook of Plant Breeding)
Автор: C.-C. Kuo, Shang-Ho Tsai, Layla Tadjpour, Yu-Hao Chang
Год: 2008
Clinical Anesthesia: Near Misses and Lessons LearnedClinical Anesthesia: Near Misses and Lessons Learned
Автор: John G. Brock-Utne
Год: 2008