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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1061 - 1080 из примерно 3245.
Compendium of Zeolite Framework TypesCompendium of Zeolite Framework Types
Автор: Henk van Koningsveld
Год: 2010
Modeling in Transport PhenomenaModeling in Transport Phenomena
Автор: Ismail Tosun
Год: 2010
Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Metallic MaterialsThermo-Mechanical Processing of Metallic Materials
Автор: Bert Verlinden
Год: 2010
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research,52Advances in Food and Nutrition Research,52
Автор: Steve Taylor
Год: 2010
Neurobiology of Epilepsy and Aging,81Neurobiology of Epilepsy and Aging,81
Автор: R. Eugene Ramsay
Год: 2010
Principles and Practice of Clinical ResearchPrinciples and Practice of Clinical Research
Автор: John I. Gallin
Год: 2010
Digital Microscopy,81Digital Microscopy,81
Автор: Greenfield Sluder
Год: 2010
The Chemistry of Pincer CompoundsThe Chemistry of Pincer Compounds
Автор: David Morales-Morales
Год: 2010
Biocatalysis in Oil Refining,164Biocatalysis in Oil Refining,164
Автор: M. M. Ramirez-Corredores
Год: 2010
Advances in Genetics,58Advances in Genetics,58
Автор: Jeffrey C. Hall
Год: 2010
International Review Of Cytology,260International Review Of Cytology,260
Автор: Kwang W. Jeon
Год: 2010
Handbook for cleaning/decontamination of surfacesHandbook for cleaning/decontamination of surfaces
Автор: Ingegard Johansson
Год: 2010
Mechanics of Offshore PipelinesMechanics of Offshore Pipelines
Автор: Stelios Kyriakides
Год: 2010
Advances In Marine Biology,52Advances In Marine Biology,52
Автор: D.W. Sims
Год: 2010
Electronic, Atomic and Molecular CalculationsElectronic, Atomic and Molecular Calculations
Автор: Milan Trsic
Год: 2010
Stochastic Modelling in Process Technology,211Stochastic Modelling in Process Technology,211
Автор: Herold G. Dehling
Год: 2010
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry,94Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry,94
Автор: Alan R. Katritzky
Год: 2010
Ion Exchange Membranes,12Ion Exchange Membranes,12
Автор: Yoshinobu Tanaka
Год: 2010
Current Topics in Developmental Biology,79Current Topics in Developmental Biology,79
Автор: Gerald P. Schatten
Год: 2010
Models of Itinerant Ordering in CrystalsModels of Itinerant Ordering in Crystals
Автор: Jerzy Mizia
Год: 2010