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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1181 - 1200 из примерно 3245.
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics,131Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics,131
Автор: Peter W. Hawkes
Год: 2010
Unifying Concepts in Granular Media and GlassesUnifying Concepts in Granular Media and Glasses
Автор: Antonio Coniglio
Год: 2010
The Hydrogen Energy TransitionThe Hydrogen Energy Transition
Автор: Sperling
Год: 2010
Principles of Gender-Specific MedicinePrinciples of Gender-Specific Medicine
Автор: Marianne J. Legato
Год: 2010
Advances in Quantum Chemistry,45Advances in Quantum Chemistry,45
Автор: Remigio Cabrera-Trujillo
Год: 2010
Biodiversity of FungiBiodiversity of Fungi
Автор: Mercedes S. Foster
Год: 2010
Автор: Gerald Litwack
Год: 2010
Advances in the Study of Behavior,35Advances in the Study of Behavior,35
Автор: Peter J.B. Slater
Год: 2010
Crystal Growth - From Fundamentals to TechnologyCrystal Growth - From Fundamentals to Technology
Автор: Georg M++ller
Год: 2010
Toxicology of Organophosphate&Carbamate CompoundsToxicology of Organophosphate&Carbamate Compounds
Автор: Ramesh Gupta
Год: 2010
The Comprehensive Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein ToxinsThe Comprehensive Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein Toxins
Автор: Joseph E. Alouf
Год: 2010
Extracellular Matrix in Development and Disease,15Extracellular Matrix in Development and Disease,15
Автор: Jeffrey H. Miner
Год: 2010
Profile of the International Pump Industry:Profile of the International Pump Industry:
Автор: R. Reidy
Год: 2010
Advances in Enzyme Regulation,45Advances in Enzyme Regulation,45
Автор: George Weber
Год: 2010
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry,53Advances in Organometallic Chemistry,53
Автор: Robert West
Год: 2010
Drug DiscoveryDrug Discovery
Автор: Tamas Bartfai
Год: 2010