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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 921 - 940 из примерно 3245.
Sampling and Sample Preparation in Field and Laboratory,37Sampling and Sample Preparation in Field and Laboratory,37
Автор: Janusz Pawliszyn
Год: 2010
Enterprise Directory and Security Implementation GuideEnterprise Directory and Security Implementation Guide
Автор: Charles Carrington
Год: 2010
Advances in DNA Sequence-specific Agents, Volume 4,4Advances in DNA Sequence-specific Agents, Volume 4,4
Автор: B.J. Chapman
Год: 2010
Aging with HIVAging with HIV
Автор: Janice E. Nichols
Год: 2010
An Introduction to Atmospheric Gravity Waves, 2E,85An Introduction to Atmospheric Gravity Waves, 2E,85
Автор: Carmen J. Nappo
Год: 2010
50 Years Progress in Crystal Growth50 Years Progress in Crystal Growth
Автор: Robert Feigelson
Год: 2010
Secondary Metabolism in Model Systems,38Secondary Metabolism in Model Systems,38
Автор: John Romeo
Год: 2010
Imaging in Biological Research, Part A,385Imaging in Biological Research, Part A,385
Автор: P. Michael Conn
Год: 2010
Advances in Quantum Chemistry,46Advances in Quantum Chemistry,46
Автор: Remigio Cabrera-Trujillo
Год: 2010
Advances in Agronomy,83Advances in Agronomy,83
Автор: Donald L. Sparks
Год: 2010
Solid State Physics,58Solid State Physics,58
Автор: Henry Ehrenreich
Год: 2010
Cancers in the Urban EnvironmentCancers in the Urban Environment
Автор: Thomas M. Mack
Год: 2010
Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics,4Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics,4
Автор: V. Henderson
Год: 2010
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation,28International Review of Research in Mental Retardation,28
Автор: Laraine Masters Glidden
Год: 2010
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
Автор: Bent Sorensen (S+©rensen)
Год: 2010
Functional Analysis and its Applications,197Functional Analysis and its Applications,197
Автор: Vladimir Kadets
Год: 2010
Dislocations in Solids,12Dislocations in Solids,12
Автор: Frank R.N. Nabarro
Год: 2010