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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1081 - 1100 из примерно 3245.
Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration,9Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration,9
Автор: Colin E. Dunn
Год: 2010
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths,37Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths,37
Автор: Karl A. Gschneidner Jr.
Год: 2010
General Philosophy of Science: Focal IssuesGeneral Philosophy of Science: Focal Issues
Автор: Dov M. Gabbay
Год: 2010
Fluid Catalytic Cracking VII:,166Fluid Catalytic Cracking VII:,166
Автор: Mario L. Occelli
Год: 2010
Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part B,423Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part B,423
Автор: Melvin I. Simon
Год: 2010
Advances in Child Development and BehaviorAdvances in Child Development and Behavior
Автор: Robert V. Kail
Год: 2010
Advances in Antiviral Drug Design,5Advances in Antiviral Drug Design,5
Автор: E. De Clercq
Год: 2010
Concepts and Applications in Environmental GeochemistryConcepts and Applications in Environmental Geochemistry
Автор: Dibyendu Sarkar
Год: 2010
The Neurobiology of Multiple Sclerosis,79The Neurobiology of Multiple Sclerosis,79
Автор: Alireza Minagar
Год: 2010
Stability of Dynamical Systems,5Stability of Dynamical Systems,5
Автор: Xiaoxin Liao
Год: 2010
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry,60Advances in Inorganic Chemistry,60
Автор: Rudi van Eldik
Год: 2010
The Future of the Financial ExchangesThe Future of the Financial Exchanges
Автор: Herbie Skeete
Год: 2010
Bioengineering BundleBioengineering Bundle
Автор: Stanley Dunn
Год: 2010
Advances in Cancer Research,101Advances in Cancer Research,101
Автор: George F. Vande Woude
Год: 2010
Principles of the Magnetic Methods in Geophysics,42Principles of the Magnetic Methods in Geophysics,42
Автор: Alex A. Kaufman
Год: 2010
Planning and Designing Research Animal FacilitiesPlanning and Designing Research Animal Facilities
Автор: Jack Hessler
Год: 2010
Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and AlloysFundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys
Автор: Michael Kassner
Год: 2010