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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 6701 - 6720 из примерно 8518.
Somatic EcologySomatic Ecology
Автор: Robert Bettmann
Год: 2010
Resource Pricing for Connection-Oriented NetworksResource Pricing for Connection-Oriented Networks
Автор: Bobby Ninan
Год: 2010
The North American Free Trade AgreementThe North American Free Trade Agreement
Автор: Angel Garbarino
Год: 2010
Possible Ordered States in Graphene SystemsPossible Ordered States in Graphene Systems
Автор: Hongki Min
Год: 2010
Two-Phase Fluid Flow in MicrochannelsTwo-Phase Fluid Flow in Microchannels
Автор: Remi Revellin
Год: 2010
Consumer-driven Health Care in the USConsumer-driven Health Care in the US
Автор: Thomas Maurer
Год: 2010
An innovative HVAC system exploiting vortex tubesAn innovative HVAC system exploiting vortex tubes
Автор: Emanuele Parisotto
Год: 2010
LTP mechanisms in the dentate gyrus in vivoLTP mechanisms in the dentate gyrus in vivo
Автор: Tambudzai Kanhema
Год: 2010
Corporatism and Security Sector ReformCorporatism and Security Sector Reform
Автор: Sebastian Huluban
Год: 2010
Artificial Neural MapsArtificial Neural Maps
Автор: Dimitrios Moshou
Год: 2010
Die Einstellungen der Konsumenten zu BioweinDie Einstellungen der Konsumenten zu Biowein
Автор: Ingrid Gerster
Год: 2010
The political Learning Process of Argentine LeftThe political Learning Process of Argentine Left
Автор: Maria Ollier
Год: 2010
Essays in Environmental Economics and PolicyEssays in Environmental Economics and Policy
Автор: Dhawal Nagpal
Год: 2010
Sociocultural Interaction of a Migrant CommunitySociocultural Interaction of a Migrant Community
Автор: Kais Al-momani
Год: 2010
Developing a new quantum transport simulatorDeveloping a new quantum transport simulator
Автор: Keng-Ming Liu
Год: 2010
Post Traumatic Amnesia and MusicPost Traumatic Amnesia and Music
Автор: Felicity Baker
Год: 2010