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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 2081 - 2100 из примерно 8518.
Avian Diversity of Jiwani Coastal Wetlands, PakistanAvian Diversity of Jiwani Coastal Wetlands, Pakistan
Автор: Zulfiqar Ali
Год: 2010
Efficiency of Inflation Targeting in Transition CountriesEfficiency of Inflation Targeting in Transition Countries
Автор: Helena Chytilova
Год: 2010
New 3D Scanning Techniques for Complex ScenesNew 3D Scanning Techniques for Complex Scenes
Автор: Tongbo Chen
Год: 2010
Der stumme KorperDer stumme Korper
Автор: Elisabeth-Anne Toder
Год: 2010
The Face Consistency and Embeddability of FullerenesThe Face Consistency and Embeddability of Fullerenes
Автор: Douglas Puharic
Год: 2010
Online training for early childhood educatorsOnline training for early childhood educators
Автор: Heather Olsen
Год: 2010
Gender Identity Development In Female AthletesGender Identity Development In Female Athletes
Автор: Karen Goble
Год: 2010
Nanoelectronic devices in InGaAs/InPNanoelectronic devices in InGaAs/InP
Автор: Jie Sun
Год: 2010
Doubly Disembodied LanguageDoubly Disembodied Language
Автор: Kwan Min Lee
Год: 2010
Prognose von AktienmarktenPrognose von Aktienmarkten
Автор: Roland Tamas
Год: 2010
Tele Home Care Application PlatformTele Home Care Application Platform
Автор: Christian Menkens
Год: 2010
Peer Support Is a Phone Call AwayPeer Support Is a Phone Call Away
Автор: Djenana Jalovcic
Год: 2010
Testing for Endogenous GrowthTesting for Endogenous Growth
Автор: Michael Bauer
Год: 2010
Screen Adaptation as Reading TransactionScreen Adaptation as Reading Transaction
Автор: Ryan Paternite
Год: 2010
Managing Life and Work Demands in Public and Private SectorsManaging Life and Work Demands in Public and Private Sectors
Автор: Sanda Dolcos, PhD
Год: 2010
Stakeholder Analysis and Public Sector OrganizationsStakeholder Analysis and Public Sector Organizations
Автор: Ricardo Gomes
Год: 2010
Allosteric Control of Synthetic ReceptorsAllosteric Control of Synthetic Receptors
Автор: Mohammad Hussein Al-Sayah
Год: 2010
In the Shadow of the OppressorIn the Shadow of the Oppressor
Автор: Szilvia Simai
Год: 2010