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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 2321 - 2340 из примерно 8518.
Charged colloids as model systems for metalsCharged colloids as model systems for metals
Автор: Ina Klassen
Год: 2010
Ontology-based Information IntegrationOntology-based Information Integration
Автор: Andreas Langegger
Год: 2010
Robust Positioning Algorithms for Wireless NetworksRobust Positioning Algorithms for Wireless Networks
Автор: Ulrich Hammes
Год: 2010
Remote sensing observations of the West African monsoonRemote sensing observations of the West African monsoon
Автор: Bernhard Pospichal
Год: 2010
Sparse Grids for the Electronic Schrodinger EquationSparse Grids for the Electronic Schrodinger Equation
Автор: Jan Hamaekers
Год: 2010
The Role of Regulatory T Cells in Bone HomeostasisThe Role of Regulatory T Cells in Bone Homeostasis
Автор: Mario Zaiss
Год: 2010
Stress– structure correlations in grafted polymer filmsStress– structure correlations in grafted polymer films
Автор: Sebastian Lenz
Год: 2010
Robust Combinatorial Auction FormatsRobust Combinatorial Auction Formats
Автор: Pavlo Shabalin
Год: 2010
Nonlinear Microrheology of Living CellsNonlinear Microrheology of Living Cells
Автор: Philip Kollmannsberger
Год: 2010
The Impact of Interval Timing on Decision MakingThe Impact of Interval Timing on Decision Making
Автор: Tobias Ohmann
Год: 2010
Transitivity ClusteringTransitivity Clustering
Автор: Tobias Wittkop
Год: 2010
Peace-preserving federalismPeace-preserving federalism
Автор: Andrea Iff
Год: 2010
Ionic Liquids in MicroemulsionsIonic Liquids in Microemulsions
Автор: Oliver Zech
Год: 2010
Neue Konzepte fur das Protein-EngineeringNeue Konzepte fur das Protein-Engineering
Автор: Helge Jochens
Год: 2010
Chances and Barriers for the Prolongation of Working LifeChances and Barriers for the Prolongation of Working Life
Автор: Paula Aleksandrowicz
Год: 2010
Dilute magnetic semiconductors based on GaN and ZnODilute magnetic semiconductors based on GaN and ZnO
Автор: Tom Kammermeier
Год: 2010
Oceanic anoxic event (OAE) 1bOceanic anoxic event (OAE) 1b
Автор: Isabel Urbat
Год: 2010
Die Airbus-KulturDie Airbus-Kultur
Автор: Catherine Krause-Nehring
Год: 2010