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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 4841 - 4860 из примерно 8518.
Gender im ReligionsunterrichtGender im Religionsunterricht
Автор: Franziska Stegili
Год: 2010
Manage Traffic Speed, Save Money and LivesManage Traffic Speed, Save Money and Lives
Автор: Greg G. Chen
Год: 2010
Single Canadian Jamaican MothersSingle Canadian Jamaican Mothers
Автор: Abraham Blair
Год: 2010
Ethiopian Media Coverage of Human TraffickingEthiopian Media Coverage of Human Trafficking
Автор: Ephrem Beshah
Год: 2010
Architectural SpatialityArchitectural Spatiality
Автор: Tonkao Panin
Год: 2010
Автор: Andrea Pacella
Год: 2010
Multisensuales MarketingMultisensuales Marketing
Автор: Jesko A. Thron
Год: 2010
Thesis on convergence theoryThesis on convergence theory
Автор: Matjaz Novak
Год: 2010
Entwicklung eines kognitiven Agenten zur UAV-FuhrungEntwicklung eines kognitiven Agenten zur UAV-Fuhrung
Автор: Thomas Wolf
Год: 2010
Innovation as social processesInnovation as social processes
Автор: Tone Merethe Berg Aasen
Год: 2010
The transition to adulthood - A shared responsibilityThe transition to adulthood - A shared responsibility
Автор: Hans Schuman
Год: 2010
An evaluation of the use of computers in learning and teachingAn evaluation of the use of computers in learning and teaching
Автор: Farah Jneid Hallab
Год: 2010
Thin Film Electronic Arrays on Three-Dimensional SurfacesThin Film Electronic Arrays on Three-Dimensional Surfaces
Автор: Rabin Bhattacharya
Год: 2010
Nitric oxide delivery from polymeric wound dressingsNitric oxide delivery from polymeric wound dressings
Автор: Mahesh Bhide
Год: 2010
The Grobner Annihilator Graph of a RingThe Grobner Annihilator Graph of a Ring
Автор: Trevor McGuire
Год: 2010
Correcting for CovariatesCorrecting for Covariates
Автор: Elvan Ceyhan
Год: 2010
Grief and Organizational ChangeGrief and Organizational Change
Автор: Kerri Kearney
Год: 2010